Friday, October 23, 2009

8 Inventions that f*cked up the game for Men (in relation to women)

Happy Friday folks, Hopefully this weekend isn't as shitty as the last one in terms of the weather. Since it's the end of the week Tha King thought we should have a little fun today with another list. Like the title says today is 8 inventions that have severely fucked up the game for us dudes. It could be when trying to talk to a female, in the bedroom or whatever else. These are things that have made it that much easier for women to straight shut us down. Why 8? I couldn't think of 10, that's why! Now down to business:

1. The Cellphone; On the surface it may seem like the cell phone has increased our ability to communicate with the fairer sex. In reality, cellies have made it that much harder of us to speak to them. How many times have you seen a beautiful young lady that you want to kick it to, but there's only one problem. SHE'S ON THE FUCKING PHONE! it never fails, who is she talking to? Probably no one. She simply saw you looking and whipped out that phone to keep your ass away.

2. The Walkman; The walkman/discman has pretty much put all of us in our own musical bubble. We're completely disconnected from the world around us. In the case of men and women. They get walk by and act like they didn't hear us saying hi (or what's good ma? FYI, that never, ever works fellas. If it does, beware.)

3. The Text Message; Why specifically the text message? I'll tell you; Guys, close your eyes and spell "specifically" out loud.......I'll wait..........Didn't think so. YOUR ASS CAN'T SPELL. Tha King can't spell to save his life. I misspelled 6 words in this paragraph alone. Women like intelligent men, and you misspelling every other word isn't making you look very good. Thank the lord Blackberries have spell check.(Read the txt in the photo)

4. TiVo/DVR; Another invention that seems like it would benefit everyone. Wrong. While your using your DVR to make catch the football games you missed, guess what she is recording? Oprah, The Tyra show, and all those other "Men ain't shit talk shows." If not that than gossip girls or some show with the guy she wishes you would act like. Either way your fucked.

5. The B.O.B. (Battery Operated Boyfriend); This one is a killer. Lets face it, she keeps you around for two reasons. Dick, and to lift heavy objects. If she can go buy dick at the store, your left just lifting heavy shit. My friend told me the other day when she's angry at her boyfriend she lays next to him in the bed in whips out her rabbit. What kind of cruel and inhumane shit is that?

6. The iPod; Why the iPod AND the walkman you ask? The iPod added a new wrinkle in to the equation. Now, not only are you being ignored. If you are lucky enough to get her attention, you are now dealing with a woman angry from listening to her "I hate men" playlist. Ask your girl fellas, they have one. They play it every time you do some dumb shit.

7. The Text Message; Yes, I know its the same as number 3. I thought Of another way we get fucked by text messages. Looking in my phone right now, Tha King has every text I sent/received since september 30th. DELETE YOUR TEXTS, it doesn't even have to be something deceitful your trying to hide. You just may not want your significant other to know that your brother was making fun of you for wetting the bed until you were 12. Just an example.
8. Caller ID; Crippling the game. They actually have a device that can warn her that your annoying ass is calling? I bet a man invented this too. I'm sure he was thrilled when is wife started using it against him. Irony
Well that's the list. Next time you see one of these Items fellas I want you to stop and think of the last time it was used against you. For the ladies, are there any more I left out? Have a safe and happy weekend everyone.

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  1. I love this blog. What u wrote was soo true.

    The Cellphone- Thank god for a Cellphone! Who the hell wants to hear men's corny pick up lines. And we know how offensive n ignorant u get when we ignore u. So instead of messing with the guys ego, we pretend we cant hear then cuz we busy talking to imaginary person on the other end.
    THE B.O.B - if a woman has to whip it out while her man is laying next o her then homie u need to step up ur game! If you aint hitting that Spot then u need to watch n take lessons from BOB!

    THE WALKMAN - Aint nothing wrong with being disconnected to the world. I sure love some me time!

    The Ipod - why u keep saying woman are angry?? I dont have a I hate man playlist. Do u?

    The Text Message - men who cant spell is very unattractive.

    The Text Message 2 - I dont reccomend u delete all ur text. When ur girl goes thru ur phone n sees there are no text messages including hers, then things will look a lil suspect. Dont shoot urself in the foot fellas. We can see n smell bull shit a mile away. A womans intuition.

    CAller ID- Screw that, how about the power to press ignore! If you dont want to be bothered, talk to the voicemail.

    Tivo/DVR - King, that statement is a bit sexist. I ahve a DVR n trust me, I dont want to spend my evening watching Oprahs fat ass nor Tyra's big head. Instead I record my EPL soccer games n Natinional Geographic. :) BTW there are alot of men who watches Oprah and Tyra to get tips ob how to make their relationships better and how they can please/or win the opposite sex love.


  2. Omggg I so agree with u, I hate when guys can't spell. My ex, I use to have to decode his text messages, it should be a law that in order to text you have to know how to spell or use spell check. I'm not the greatest but damn, he couldn't even spell dumb right smh... I'm guilty of using the cell phone to avoid having a guy come up to me. Also I love my ipod, had a guy be4 try to talk game to me with" what's good ma" I just stood there ignoring him with my earphones in, even though my ipod had died earlier. He stood there like" oh u know u can hear me, u just gonna stand there and front like you can't right" I just ignored and then got on the bus and took my earphones off lol. But yeah good post and the B.O.B r taking over but don't worry they can never replace the real thing :) Oh and don't front the caller id is a GREAT invention. Helps avoid calls from crazy people n people u just don't wanna talk to.


  3. Haha, this is a funny list. I turn up my ipod and pretend like I can't hear guys about 5-10 times a day. And no, I'm not listening to an "I Hate Men" playlist. Not every woman is angry.

    The text message thing is soo true! And this also applies to facebook messages, gchat and whatever else you're using. Especially if you spell definitely as definAtely! Personal pet peeve...

    - Tausha

  4. Angie- Girls with bad grammar are unattractive too....LMAO I'm just messing with you.

    Nique- I agree. If it wasn't for caller ID I would pick up the phone every time you called me!

    Tausha- You definately are right about the facebook thing. :)

  5. Hahaha What ever king ur a$$ should be happy when my number graces upon ur little blackberry

  6. LMAO I think all of us are guilty of every game killer you've mentioned on here. I still have guys saved on my phone so in case they call I know who it is when the pops up and I don't accidentally answer.

  7. dude caller id sucks when ur with a chick and another one calls you lol

  8. Not only is this blog too true is also messed up in a sort of way. So many dudes approach and handle talking to women on the street, I can't even blame them for turning up the volume in the headphones. On the other hand, it annoys me because I know I am a good dude; if she gave my that two second chance, then she would probably love who I turned out to be. Now I'm not one for talking to women on the street, but sometimes you see a female you know you will probably never see again. You have got to be the mail man she sees everyday or the dude on the same rush hour bus to get any attention. (Sounds personal right? Lmao) King you should titled this "The 8 invention that hurt the game for bum niggas." Each one on the list has turned in to a block to void a bum nigga from talking to a girl or how a bum nigga gets caught cheating. The DVR you can use to watch with ya short whether its oprah or sports (if you have a good relationship) Any I'm s lil upset at how much beautiful women I lost because of the deeds of a bum nigga.

