Saturday, July 10, 2010

Ballin Like the Lakers, Keep heat like Miami (Fu*k Lebron James)

Tha King has gotten 3 inquires about the blog on 3 consecutive days, a sign that maybe I should put down the Call of Duty for a while and starting writing. Today was a typical morning; wake up, pee, sports center, oatmeal and tea, Facebook. While doing my morning FB stalking I came across the following status;

"If u are still walkin around with a sidekick...let me ask u a question? what loop r u n?(I think that's supposed to be are you in)bc a nicca wanna kno."

Aside from this person writing on full keyboard like they are texting, which pisses me off, this status encapsulates one of the biggest problems in Black society( for the record, when I say "Black society" I mean African Americans, West Indians, Africans, Hispanics and Asian people from the hood. All you mofo's came from a black person, even if you don't want to accept it.) We're constantly judging people by the things that the own. I'm sure other people do, but the problem is that black people do it with dumb shit.

How many times have you heard someone say something like, "If you don’t have true religion jeans your a lame." Or maybe "Your wack if you don't got that new Blackberry." Since when does the type of jeans you have own determine your personal wealth. I can say with confidence that I've seen just as many loser with True Religion jeans and Blackberries as I have without. So we go out and we work overtime, borrow money and do whatever we have to do to get some True religions(200+) and the newest blackberry that you had to pay full price for because you wasted your phone upgrade on the sidekick you needed to be considered cool 2 years ago. So now you've spent damn near 700 bucks on jeans and a phone and guess what? Diddy or Jay-Z or whoever the hell we follow has just announced on Hot 97 that he has the HTC Evo now and if you don't have one you’re not ballin. Great job jackass, all that money and you’re still not ballin.

When the type of phone, sneakers, jeans and car that you have say more about a person than their job, family and education? All of these item to make you appear rich but you go home to a one bedroom apt shared by 4 people in the projects. Way to spend your money wisely. If you think your TR's, your iphone and your benz make you any more than just a nigga with a nice car in White America than you better think twice. They probably think you stole it all. Fool.

Start judging people by what’s in their head, not what's on their ass.