Sunday, December 12, 2010

Letter to a black girl.

Dear Black Girl,

What have we done to you? Where did we go wrong? Is this all my doing? Did I hurt you like this? What did I do to make you think you had to wear fake hair, fake nails to impress me? What did I say to make you think that I didn’t love your dark skin? Why do you wearing that make up on your face? Did I tell you that you weren’t beautiful? You are, you don’t need a mask from MAC to be. Did I tell you that you had to wear the tightest jeans and the lowest cut shirts for me to notice you? I always notice you. Who told you that your most valuable asset was your ass? Who said you had to shake your ass to get attention? What made you think I wanted you to look like a Barbie doll? Barbie is fake, you are so real.

Why are so angry? Did I do this to you? I don’t want you to be a bitch, I don’t want a diva, I want a Queen, that’s what you’ve always been. Why do you argue with each other and put each other down? You are sisters you’re supposed to uplift each other. I’m sorry I hurt you, I know I lied. I know I told you I loved you than I broke your heart. I was young and a fool. I didn’t know it would make you never trust me again. I thought it was cool to cheat on you. I thought it was cool to treat you like a hoe. I didn’t know, I thought you would get over it. I’m sorry those men touched you when you said no. Is that the reason why it’s so hard to touch your heart? You don’t have to be a freak to make me like you. I always liked you, just they way you were. You didn’t have to change to satisfy the world. I just want you to be who you’ve always been.

With Love,

Black Boy
This post was some loosely inspired by "Diary" by Wale feat Marsha Ambrosius
I say loosely because my mind jumps so nothing is ever really inspired by one thing, carry on.